Family Activities
Bromont, montagne d’expériences
skiing alpine hiking snow parks snowshoeing
Parc des Sommets
hiking mountain biking snowshoeing viewpoints
heritage restaurants shops local finds
Centre National de Cyclisme de Bromont
bike velodrome pumptrack
Hisséo – Adventure Park
hebertism challenge zipline mountain
Musée du chocolat et de la confiserie de Bromont
chocolate gifts museum old bromont
Water games of the Campus Germain-Désourdy
game summer heat water
Bromont, montagne d’expériences water park
Aquatic park
Bromont lake municipal beach
beach lake sports outdoor
Bromont Municipal Parks
tennis soccer arena water play area
Bike path Estriade and its network
bike path artwork family
Zoo de Granby
zoo animals aqua park amusement ride
Family stay
zoo cycling games swimming
3 days family trip between Bromont and Sutton
family swimming challenge fun
Indoor and Outdoor Pumptracks at CNCB
bike pumptrack fun